Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sarah Palin. She can’t be for real…

John Cleese said a mouthful when he remarked “I used to think that Micheal was the funniest Palin on earth.”  He goes on to say that not only is she *not* good enough to run for VP, but that Monty Python couldn’t have written her better.


So who has? 


It finally dawned on me, when I heard the latest statements out of this clown’s mouth... “My first five years of life we spent in Skagway, Alaska, right there by Whitehorse,” Palin said during a speech in Calgary on Saturday. “Believe it or not — this was in the ‘60s — we used to hustle on over the border for health care that we would receive in Whitehorse. I remember my brother, he burned his ankle in some little kid accident thing and my parents had to put him on a train and rush him over to Whitehorse and I think, isn’t that kind of ironic now. Zooming over the border, getting health care from Canada," that this woman can’t be an accident.  Someone is writing for her, someone is pulling the strings.  A US governor, even one from the backwater of Alaska, can’t possibly this airheaded.  She has to be some sort of a diversion from *something* else.


Who *is* this woman?  Where does she get off, coming to Canada, sponsored, no less, by Calgary’s publicly owned Energy company, to tell us that she’s spent perhaps the last 50 years scamming our healthcare system.  Fraudulently making use of the healthcare system that she’s spent so much time publicly reviling?  I’m officially asking for an investigation into how much her family owes Canadians.  What a great example to set – now the complaint that people are making about her is “It’s good enough for her, but what about people that don’t have easy access to Canada?”  Whoa!  Just living on the border *DOES NOT* entitle American’s to abuse our healthcare system, no matter what some scatterbrained wannabe politician might spew.


Apparently several well known Canadian politicians were in attendance.  Ralph, Stockwell... where are the cries of indignation over theft of services?  You should be making them.  Our government has spent decades trying to come up with more secure health cards…and this woman laughs about how easily they stole from taxpaying Canadians.


Hypocritical?  Sarah?  Wow, not *too* much, is she.  I guess when she said that we should dismantle our heathcare, she meant “unless it inconveniences the Palin family.”

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